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Macintosh Portable Logic Board, Non-Backlit : Used

Original Apple, fully functional, re-capped main logic board for the original Macintosh Portable, non-backlit version. This uses a 16MHz Motorola 6800 processor and has 1MB onboard RAM.
NOTE: The Macintosh Portable can be VERY fussy about starting up if it does not have a working battery in or if you are not using the correct charger. Using the wrong charger (i.e. from a PowerBook) can damage the logic board. Before purchasing this item, please be sure that your logic board is really faulty and the problem does not lie elsewhere.

Condition : Used

Used but fully tested part.

Part Number(s) : 661-0470, 820-0219-A, 630-4167

Warranty : 12 months


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