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PowerBook 1400 RAM, User Slot, 3rd 32MB : Used

Fully tested 3rd party 32MB RAM card for the user accessible slot of the PowerBook 1400 series. Photo is for illustration purposes only and the manufacturer may vary.
The 1400 logic board has two RAM slots which take different, non-interchangeable modules. The first is referred to by Apple as the factory slot and was pre-populated by a 4 or 8MB card as standard. Although it was easily accessible on the 117MHx model, the larger 133MHz and 166MHz processor boards meant that the slot could not be accessed without removing the processor board.
The second slot, referred to as the customer or user slot, is easily accessed on all models by simple removing the heat sink. The PowerBook supports up to two piggy backed user RAM boards.

Condition : Used

Used but fully tested part.

Part Number(s) : 661-1196

Warranty : 12 months


Model : PB14RAMU332

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